
Pinch Analysis

With the help of Pinch Analysis, I can help you to improve your energy consumption. To do this, we look at ways and possibilities to optimize the heating and cooling required by your systems and how to reduce losses.

Excel add-in for Pinch Analysis

A self-written extension for Excel enables me to quickly and precisely calculate and analyze the values of your systems. If you would like to do the analysis with the add-in yourself, please contact me. I’m looking forward to our conversation! You can request or download a functional description of the add-in here in advance:

Energy consulting

With or without pinch analysis, I would be happy to support you implementing your energetic projects and ecological visions.

As I am registered and certified at the German Federal Office for Economics and Export Control (BAFA), I am entitled to carry out Energy Audits according to EDL-G and to act as Energy Advisor for small and medium-sized companies. This means that both your project and the energy consulting can be subsidized by your local energy conservation funding programs.